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Last week , at a Washington, D.C., bookstore and community space, my congresswoman, Ilhan Omar, joined three other members of Congress for a town hall discussion. In response to a question from the moderator about anti-Semitism and criticism of Israel, Omar expressed empathy for her Jewish constituents who have an emotional connection to Israel. She then noted her concern baby pom pom hat that, because she and her Palestinian-American colleague Rashida Tlaib (also in attendance that evening) are Muslim, anything they say about Israel gets misunderstood or willfully misinterpreted as anti-Semitic.
She went on to articulate the way this stifles the conversation about Palestinian liberation that she and Tlaib want Americans to be able to have:It's almost as if every single time we say something, regardless of what it is we say that it's supposed to be about foreign policy or engagement, our advocacy about ending oppression, or the freeing of every human life and wanting dignity we get to be labeled in something, and that ends the discussion, because we end up defending that, and nobody baby summer hat gets to have the broader debate of: What is happening with Palestine?
This is the sentence that set the cycle Omar had just described back into motion. The next day, Jewish Insider 's Laura Kelly reported on the event and wrote that Omar was "seeming to suggest . . . dual loyalty among a particular group of Americans." New York magazine's Jonathan Chait picked up the story and, adding his own insipid analysis to Kelly's, claimed that "Omar is directly invoking the hoary myth of dual loyalty, in which the Americanness
of Jews is inherently suspect." Next began the congressional condemnations.